Let me ask you a question: How do you make decisions in your daily life?
Is it just random or do you follow your personal mission statement?
Having values, goals and knowing them - better yet, write them out is something so
tremendously powerful, make sure you do not miss it.
The company I’ve partnered with has a mission statement:
“Enhance the lives of those you touch by helping people reach their goals”
Take a moment and think about it. Going through life with the intention to improve the life of the people you get in contact with and help them to get what they want.
This is powerful!
It is something I can absolutely identify with for myself.
What is your mission statement? The mission statement of your company, your family, your relationship?
I’m excited to hear what you will share!
-Angela Wuerz
Building A Business To Last a LifeTime!
www.AngelaWuerz.com - Safer Products for a Healthier Life!
(408) 771-5219
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